Why is my sprinkler valve stuck on?

If you have a sprinkler valve that doesn’t turn off, or sticks on, the problem is most likely due to one or more of the following:
  1. The valve(s) are failing and it’s not a controller problem
  2. The controller is just programmed incorrectly with multiple unexpected schedules or start times.
  3. The controller is failing – causes strange behavior, seems to work, then does something unexpected.
It shouldn’t be too hard to figure out what’s going on.  The important thing to determine is if the timer is turning on the valve or it’s something else causing the problem.
The first two items below are for you to investigate, the last one I can solve for you.
Item 1: Next time the water is “on” when it shouldn’t be, turn off power to the controller, or remove the back ribbon cable (there are pictures of this on the rainDialDoctor website, see the Removal Instructions page)
This disconnects the controller from the valves, so if the valves stay on, it’s a valve problem, not a controller problem. Replace/repair the valve.
If you can’t wait for it to stick “on” again,
  • Try manually turning on a valve and then turn it off.  When you turn it off, the valve should go off within 10 seconds.  If not, the valve may be a problem. Note that the valve itself should always be put in the ‘off’ position.  The timer will over-ride it when it turns on the valve.    This makes sense because if the timer were to lose power or be removed, you would not want all the valves to go on.  Only turn the valve on at the valve box when you are testing it.
  • Re-check the programming – all three schedules A,B and C.  See Item 2 below.

If the valves turn off, it’s likely a timer or usually a programming issue. See the remaining items below.

Item 2: Go to this youTube video to learn how to program it or check the programming is correct.  The training video is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhHTeucdKgA
Item 3: If the controller still seems to be causing problems, it’s probably just failing and needs to be repaired.  Use the contact us page to send us more information and I’ll send you the repair details.


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