Rain Dial Removal Instructions

Removing the rain dial for repair – Instructions

This page shows how to remove the RainDial timer from the wall unit – no tools, no electricity issues, no wiring.  If you’re having it repaired, most of the time, only the timer module is needed. However, it’s always best to send both parts. If you’d prefer to just send the easy one to remove, contact us ahead of time to make sure that’s all you need to send.

This page contains instructions in two forms:

  1. two videos and
  2. written instructions with pictures

Video 1: module removal  video.

Video 2:  Back connector board removal  video.

Written Instructions: 

To have a unit repaired, simply bring me just the controller unit. It’s very easy to remove – see the following these steps for details.

irritrol RainDial Repair fix

Irritrol RD600, RD1200 RainDial Repair/Fix exchange and removal instructions

Swing open the controller and pull out the ribbon cable
Pull the controller off its hinges.
  • The hinge part on the main housing looks like this, it just clamps onto the controller.
  • When you pull, it just separates enough to release it.

RD600 Rain Dial Hinge Mechanism

Pull straight off the top hinge, then the bottom one

Irritrol RD600, RD1200 RainDial Repair/Fix exchange and removal instructions

Irritrol RD600, RD1200 RainDial Repair/Fix exchange and removal instructions

Irritrol RD600, RD1200 RainDial Replacement Repair/Fix exchange and removal
Unless you’ve been asked to bring the back connector board, just bring the controller unit for repair, nothing else.
If you’ve been asked to bring the back connector board
  • It’s true that it’s a little more work, but still reasonably easy, and if you’re comfortable removing it, we always recommend you send it too.
  • It’s required for any of the more blue models (see the more-gray and more-blue models above)


Here’s a link with detailed instructions and tips for making it easy.