Contact Us

Please send us email using the contact form below.  We usually respond the same day and will never distribute your contact information.

    Your Name*:
    Your Email*:
    Phone :
    Subject :

    Your Message:

    1) Label Color is (based on option below):
    RD600-R_blue_label          RD600-R_gray_label
    More Blue or More Gray

    2) Your Location:
    North Phoenix AreaNearby Phoenix Area
    I live in another area

    3) Brand Name on the face of the controller: IrritrolHardie

    4) Model Number: RD-nnn-X: (Look on the label, not the outer housing or door, above the semi-auto button)

    5) Physical condition (label, switch motion, dial movement) is like:

    *Enter these characters into the box below (not case sensitive): captcha

    * indicates required fields


    Thank you for contacting us.  We’ll respond to your message shortly.
    The Rain Dial Doctor