Ask your questions here – (They will appear shortly)

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To add a question, go to the bottom of the page, fill in the comment and click Post Comment.  

Please look at the DIY Troubleshooting section before posting; answers to most questions can be found there. 

You can also reply to other people’s questions if you like. (Thanks for helping)

Please try to include the following with your question, list:
1) the date code (located under the battery),
2) the model number shown on the face of the controller (usually below and to the left of the dial, e.g., RD-600 or RD-600-R).
3) Color (mostly Gray or Blue) based on the example rainDials shown at the top of the page.

1,227 thoughts on “Ask your questions here – (They will appear shortly)

  1. Hi nice website. I am trying to help my neighbor with her RD-600 EXT-R controller. She had a valve go bad which was replaced by the landscaper. This system only has two valve that I know of. The timer uses A and B and the watering time is set to start at 2:30am and 4:00am. It doesn’t appear to actually water the shrubs or trees in auto mode. When I use manual or semi all the shrubs and trees get water. Unfortunately I can’t seem to make it work on Auto. Screen is in perfect shape, unit doesn’t get a lot of direct sunlight and everything looks to be in pristine condition. Open to suggestions although I am not overly great at dealing with this sort of thing.Her land scraper wants to just replace the whole controller. Thanks in advance.

    • Hi Tom,
      I try to do a factory reset. Take a look at the DIY troubleshooting page for more info. I sent you a separate email as well.


  2. I have the RD-900 and can’t seem to manually turn it off until I want to turn it back on (typically when we have excessive days of rain). The only thing that works is once the sprinklers start running, if I switch it to the “off or stop” mode then back to “run or manual” and then back to “off or stop” they will turn off.

    • Hi Tim,

      I’m not completely sure what you’re asking. Here’s some general info that you probably already know, but may be helpful.
      If you don’t have a rain sensor and just want to turn off the timer for a few days, you can just leave the switch in the off position. That will keep the timer from running any of the schedules until you set the switch back to the run position. Some models have a rain delay feature where you can set the number of days to stop watering, but it doesn’t sound like you are using that.

      Does that help ?

      • Thanks Brian. I probably wasn’t very clear on my issue. Turning the switch to the off position doesn’t do anything. The sprinklers still go on

        • Hi Tim, check out the troubleshooting section that describes what to check if the water is on and it’s not supposed to be. It should give you some more things to try. It’s more than likely a valve issue but you’ll know for sure by following the steps on that page. If that helps, leave us a donation if it doesn’t just let me know and we’ll figure out what to do next.

      • My first post was probably not clear. When I turn the switch to the “off” position, the timer stays on meaning the sprinklers still go on based on the timer setting.

  3. I have a RD 600-EXT-R Irritrol RainDilal that started to chatter and now only one sprinkler head will only work on manual mode. Could it need a new timer?
    Thanks for your help!

    • Hi Mike,

      No need for a new timer, just repair the one you have. It’s a solid fix that you’ll likely never have trouble with again. I’ve only had one come back for that problem and I’ve been doing this over 12 years. I sent you a separate email with repair details, but they’re essentially the same as what you’d see in the menu above.


  4. I have an RD-600. Will not turn on any zones. There is water, I can manually irrigate by manipulating the solenoids but controller won’t activate them.
    I’ve tried using the manual function and this won’t work either.
    When I measure the voltage on the back panel I notice that all 4 zone wires show 24 v when I’m manually trying to run just 1….and yet no water is flowing through any valve.

    Thank you

    • Hi Gus,

      I’d suggest sending it in for repair; I sent you an email. It’s a solid fix that you’ll likely never have trouble with again. I’ve only had one come back for that problem and I’ve been doing this over 12 years. I sent you a separate email with repair details, but they’re essentially the same as what you’d see in the menu above.


  5. I have an RD600. It seems to work fine during the day, but if I set the timer to early in the morning, I just hear a clicking sound and the valves don’t engage.

  6. Good afternoon,

    I have an Irritrol RD-600-R. My issue is when the circuit turns on the valves in the ground make a clicking sound. About once a second and the water only spurts out a very small amount. We are snowbirds in Maricopa and use Global water which isn’t cheap, so I track my usage daily. The last couple of weeks I have been using about 8 gallons a day. Sometimes 2 gallons a day and sometimes 30 gallons a day. My land scape person said it was the valves in the ground, so he replaced them. That didn’t fix the problem. Now he says the clock is bad.

    Have you run into this problem before? Any information would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

    Steve Horn

    • Hi Steve,

      I sent you an email with all the repair details. I know exactly what the issue is and it definitely is a timer. Sorry we didn’t talk before you had all the valves replaced but rest assured you won’t have any trouble after we repaired.

      if the email doesn’t go through you can get all the details from the menu above on how to get it repaired.

      Thanks for posting I’m glad we were able to help.

  7. OK-before I go any further, I realize you will say “this is impossible”…nevertheless, it is happening. Our system has 1 valve for sprinkler, 1 valve for front drips and 1 valve for back drips. The front drips have been scheduled to come on at 2-3 am 3x/week. Back drips 3-4 am 3x/week and sprinkler 5:15 am 3x/week. However, for about the past month, the back drips are coming on EVERY day (overnight) BUT only on the east part of the yard, even though not scheduled to do so. If I turn on system manually, all drips in back come on as they should. I have turned the entire system off, yet the same issue occurs. Landscaper completely removed the timer control unit and disconnected the wires to the back valve yesterday to have it evaluated and even without the timer unit installed or wires connected, the drips on east side of back yard ONLY, and the front drips came on overnight some time.

    How can this happen without a control unit hooked up??

    As of today, we have also turned the knob on the valve off completely to see what happens. We have no idea what to do next because none of this makes sense. The back drips are only on 1 valve, so why is it only watering the east side of yard, yet when I turn it on manually, it operates as it should (east & west come on). AND how can the system turn on when the timer unit is not even installed.

    • Hi Alex,

      Strange indeed. I sent you a separate email with some ideas and suggestions; I’ll be interested to know if they help you figure it out.


  8. Hi again. I think you can disregard my previous questions. I was obviously overthinkiing the process. It seems my question was a programming question while I was thinking it was wiring. I realized that which program a valve is on determines whether you have that station turned “off” or a “time” set at that location.
    Thank you for being available!

    • Hi Rod,

      thanks for letting me know you’ve got it figured out… If not done already, be sure to look in the DIY Menu for Programming information; there is a lot there to help


  9. Re: Date Code 9-22-23: RD-1200-R; Blue Face.
    Hello. Can you tell me how to select which valves go into each Program (Schedule) (A, B & C).
    I have 8 valves, and need to set them up for 4 valves in Program A, 1 Valve in Program B, and 3 Valves in Program C. I was thinking this was part of the wiring, but may just be a programming function. Can you clarify for me?
    Thank you for your assistance!

  10. Re: RD-1200-R, Mo.stly Blue Face, 9-22-23.
    I am not finding how to wire specific stations into Programs A, B or C. I have 8 valves, and need to create programs where I have 4 valves, 1 valve and 3 valves in Programs A, B and C respectively. Or how to change that configuration if needed. Can you tell me how to do that. Thank you!

  11. Good afternoon. I have an irritrol rain dial control panel. 4 months ago, my irriagation system starting running non stop and I had someone come service it. They replaced the anti-siphon control valved and it seemed to fix the problem. They said I had hard water and the buildup in the valve prevented it form closing. I was warned this may happen again in the future. However, the house was 4 years old when the first incident occurred.

    Here I am again in the same situation. I replaced the anti-siphon valved (although the one I removed looked clean. I tested the solenoids and they had adequate power.

    The system still continues to run openly between cycles. I have reset the rain dial and deleted all programming. Didn’t change anything. Still open running of all irrigation outlets.

    Any ideas or suggestions on what is going on? My water bill which is usually $60/month has been over $250. I need to correct this and would like to maintain my plants in the process.

    Thank you,


    • Hi Carla,

      You’re saying that the valves are always open and never close, is that right?
      Some other confirmation questions:
      Are all the valves always open?
      If you slide the switch on the timer to the ‘off’ position, do the valves ever turn off?

      Do you have all the solenoids in the ‘off’ position. They should normally be off so that the timer can control when they come on.

      Let me know and I can assist further.

    • Hi Diane,

      That is rather odd behavior. Usually when a valve is stuck on it’s a Valve issue.

      I would suggest going through the do it yourself Troubleshooting pages and reset it back to factory defaults. Do that first and let me know if it helps.


      • I did the factory reset and then auto programmed 1 and 2 to come on for 10 minutes, with a 5 minute gap. 1 came on fine and it switched to # 2. When it came on, water line throbbed (you could both hear and feel it) as well as some noise from valve. There was water coming out and it did stop at the end of 10 minutes. This is where we started from as we could here the noise from inside the house.

        • Hi Diane,
          A couple of thoughts. If you programmed one valve to come on, and then made a gap in five minutes before turning the other one on, it’s not typically the way it would be programmed. But I suppose you could do it that way if you used to schedule a to do valve one in schedule be to do valve tube. If you did it a different way, you might want to review, the programming page. Normally the valves are set to come on in order with virtually no gap. I just wanna make sure it’s not a programming issue. Reading that programming page will help.

          Valve doesn’t go off it’s usually a valve issue or potentially a programming issue. The next time you test it and it stays on, try sliding the timer switch to off position and see if it turns off then. If it does turn off, that it’s likely some type of programming issue. If it does not turn off, then it’s usually a problem with the valve.

          If you have valves that are chattering or pulsing, that’s typically a timer problem that I repair often. You could send it in for repair following the instructions on the “ how to get it repaired “ menu above.

          Let me know if turning the timer off stops the water flow.


  12. Have model RD-ExtR
    Have 2 stations. Station 1 ran on auto and shut off, Station 2 ran but would not turn off. Noise coming from station 2 and solenoid heating up. Some water spraying inside box.

    We replaced both valve guts and solenoids. When put back our gardener reversed the station wiring.
    Now Station 1 (where 2 was) turns on when on Auto but won’t shut off. So it does not advance to Station 2.

    Everything runs fine on Manual or Semi-Auto which is the mystery. I double checked settings for Auto and all good. Changed them to see if it would make a difference. No.

  13. FUS error for zone 1 – I’ve performed every suggestion to resolve, from factory reset to replacing the solenoid. Yesterday I replaced the solenoid as it was VERY old, and I was able to do a manual run to that zone, therefore thought all issues were resolved. However, that zone wouldn’t run on the timer today. So, I went to do a manual run, and now after setting a manual run for 3 minutes, upon hitting “ON” button, the timer (which was showing 3 minutes) changes to “OFF”. The other zones run just fine manually and via the timer, but this one zone won’t run. I’ve disconnected the wire to that zone on the terminal board and followed all instructions, with no luck. Finally, I swapped out solenoids between 2 zones and zone 1 continues to be the problem. Is this a sign my timer is starting to fail? This is my second controller in 18 years (replaced it 8 years ago).

    • Hi Dawn,

      You certainly done an excellent job troubleshooting. Usually when the timer starts to fail it’ll exhibit behavior like that on all the valves not just one. However, they seem to behave intermittently as they’re on the verge of failure, so I suspect it’s still a problem with the timer that we’d be able to repair quickly.

      if you have an unused station number on the timer, I should say, then you can try moving the valve in question to that station number instead and see how it goes. If it’s still not behaving, well, just send it in and will get it fixed for you.


  14. Hello
    Wondering if you have seen this issue before.
    Have the RD1200 have tried reset. When I go to set run times.
    The clock is only displaying in pm, there is no am.
    Thank you for any advice.

    • Hi Gabe,
      I’ve heard of it, but no one has sent me one for repair. If you send it in, I’ll get it fixed and refurbish other parts so it’ll run for a long, long time. I see you’re probably from AU; in that case, my best guess is a display issue. You could try disassembling and reassembling to see if it starts working again. Just disconnecting and reconnecting teh display interface might help.


  15. Do you consider the Chat R Box a safe and effective tool for locating lost valve boxes?
    Mine are long buried under the yard. I’m just concerned about rapid cycling of the solenoids of the older valves.
    Thank you

    • Hi Phil,

      chattering valves are commonly due to a timer issue that I repair. I’d get suggest sending it in for repair if you hear chattering valves.


  16. I recently moved into an older house that has an RD1200 installed in the early 1990’s I believe.
    Amazingly everything seems to be working properly.
    There is a custom installed 37pin D connector (only half populated) hanging out of the bottom of the controller housing. The leads connect to the same terminals as the zone solenoids plus power and common . I’m assuming this is something that the original installer put in.
    I’m not sure how this is used. Possibly for an external test rig?
    Have you ever encountered anything like this?
    Do I need this? Id like to remove it if it’s not of any importance. Thanks.

    • Hi Phil,

      I don’t know what that would be. If you could email me a photo, I can give you better direction.


  17. RD-900 Timer with rain sensor
    I went out to manually run the irrigation system- first time ever. I tried to manually start a timer: nothing. Tried to run the system on semi-auto: nothing. Tried to spoof the system by resetting the time, and running on auto: nothing.

    We’ve had some rain recently, although today is clear and sunny. Is there a way to test the rain sensor? Does the rain sensor prevent manual operation of valves?

    Dave O

    • Hi Dave,

      yes, look for an active/bypass switch on the top of the back terminal board. Set it to bypass to disable the rain sensor.
      If you don’t have one, you can put a jumper wire between the two Sen terminals to bypass it.

      Let me know how it goes,

  18. When I try to run a manual setting, I have the switch on run/manual, set the time, then depress manual button. The display goes to off, nothing happens.The 4 area settings were supposed to go off this morning and did not which is why I am trying manual settings.

    • Hi Susan,
      That’s a pretty typical behavior of a failed timer; I’ll email you repair information.


  19. One zone -6 – will not run per th3 scheduled program nor in manual mode.

    Number 6 shows on the screen in the top middle!

    How do I troubleshoot

    • Hi Teri,

      I would suggest moving the wire on number 6 to a different one, like 5, and see if 5 then is able to turn it on. If so, then it’s likely a timer issue that I can repair. If you find that 5 is not able to turn on the station either, then it’s likely a solenoid/valve or maybe wiring problem, not a timer issue.

      Does that help?
      Let me know what you find out,

  20. Hi, I have an Irritrol RD 900 that controls Rain Bird PEB 100 series valves which are rated to take up to 200 PSI. My water pressure coming into my system is at 140 PSI. I have two valves boxes with each having three PEB 100 valves. My problem is that in each valve box there is one solenoid valve that will not close all the way. I have replaced the valves and they still do not fully close. Is it an electrical or water pressure problem?

    Thanks for your help!


    • Hi Henry. I’m not familiar with those high pressure valves so all I can do is make some educated guesses; here’s all I can think of:
      1) Make sure the solenoids are tightened down fully; otherwise they’re more likely to turn on inappropriately.
      2) you can try swapping solenoids to see if the problem follows the solenoid, and then replace it.
      3) If the timer is not showing the valve number in the top row of the display, it shouldn’t be turning on the valve and is not likely a timer or electrical issue
      4) Check and make sure the timer is off and you can also slide the switch to off and see if that turns the valve off. If it does, it is more likely a timer issue, if not, then it’s a valve/pressure issue.

      Let me know what you find out, I’m interested to hear so I can share the information with others…
      p.s., if it helps, please consider leaving us a donation.

  21. Hi. I have an Irritrol RD-600-R and my sprinklers work fine program or manual but in the afternoon when the drips are due to come on, no watering happens, even on manual. The box looks like the water is coming, but nothing comes out of the drips. This morning we could turn the drips on and they worked fine, but this afternoon and yesterday afternoon no water. It’s really hot here in Arizona and I’m wondering if the heat is affecting the controller or if it’s something else. My yard guy always comes in the morning and he can’t find anything wrong. My unit is kind of old. Is it my box or something else? Thanks!

    • Hi Sharon,

      That sounds like a problem I’ve repaired before; I’d suggest sending it in or dropping it by for repair. Be sure to include both the timer and terminal board. I’ll send you a separate email as well.

  22. After I set the time and check that everything is set properly, I put it in “run” mode. The next day the “time” is flashing an incorrect time so the system does not come on consistently as programmed. Thank you.

    • Hi Judith, That’s a pretty common symptom for a failing timer/backboard. I’ll send repair info to you. It can also be caused by a power outage, and rarely a bad valve solenoid, but it’s mostly likely a timer issue. If you don’t get the email shortly, post back and let me know.

  23. I have a question about using multiple schedules. Does the controller cycle thru schedule A, B and C in sequence? Its confusing because you can only place the dial on only one of them.I will be installing a new lawn that requires twice a day watering. So under schedule A, i will be setting the lawn station to run twice a day for everyday of the week. In schedule B, i will have the rest of my drip zones (8 altogether) water just three times a week. Schedule C will be off. So will the system start with program A and progress to program B and then repeat itself based on the day of the week? The manual is not clear about this setting.

    • Hi James, I think it’ll be clear if you look at the DIY Troubleshooting page for the programming information. ABC run independent of each other all the time. That’s why it’s important that your schedules do not overlap at all. The switch position just tells the timer what schedule is being programmed, it does not affect what schedule is ‘run’.

      Read that page I mentioned for a full explanation, I think it’ll help a lot. If it does, consider leaving us a donation, we’d greatly appreciate it.

    • Hi Deb,
      Short usually means that your solenoid on top of the valve has failed short. You can typically replace those easily, take a look at my do it yourself troubleshooting pages for more information. It’s usually not a problem with the timer itself. And only a bad solenoid or maybe crossed wire somewhere.

      Let me know if that helps.

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